Below you will see the results after conducting five surveys to five different people that serve or attend in Birdville High School.

Based on what the results show, I can say that the majority know who our Secretary of Education is. However, there were a few voters who don't know her priorities. After receiving the surveys back, only two people got her priorities correct the others will either one or two off. I learned that all the people have a job in education (teachers and administrators) do have some knowledge about the issues in education. About 40% of the voters think that standardized testing is an issue in education today, and it should be taken away. Another 40% said that the issues at the moment is how the Secretary of Education is NOT qualified for the position. Lastly, 20% said, funding at state level is a issues that needs to be addressed to everyone. To sum up my results, I can say that all five voters are updated enough to make their own choices for education issues.
Although I have surveyed five voters, it doesn't mean that everyone in the U.S is informed about the issues in education or about the Secretary of Education. Some parents aren't even aware of these issues, or what is being suggested from the Secretary of Education. everyone should be aware of education issues because it plays a huge role in everyones lives. Spreading awareness about education issues like standardized testing and teacher salaries, can help voters make the correct choice when voting in their state. Here are just two suggestions on how we can spread awareness. To spread awareness about how ineffective standardized testing is to students, parents (or anyone) should speak out more on how those tests are affecting students and teachers each year. Having meetings with parents and teachers about standardized testing would help create awareness and new ideas. Another issue that was brought up was teacher salaries and how low they are getting paid. Everyone knows that teachers aren't given a higher salary, but no one has done anything about it. They only way to bring awareness to this matter is to use your voice. Your voice is powerful and it should never be taken away from you. Speaking about this could bring more people to their senses and stand next to you. Words and actions can be life changing.

If you want to know more about our Secretary of education click this link: Betsy DeVos
Education Issues in America Video