Friday, December 2, 2016

Early History of Education in America

The past week in PEAT, we have read about the education in America from the beginning of America through the Depression. I have chosen prompt C from Mrs. Kallas blog and had given my honest opinion/perspective down below.

          From the beginning of American Education through the Great Depression , teachers gained respect and were seen as role models to their students and, possibly their parents. However, I have noticed that in the 21st Century, students think becoming a teacher is "lame" and 'boring". Students have lost respect to their teachers and take school as a joke. In my opinion teachers are the opposite of being lame, they are powerful and can make our future better. Teachers in early education had respect and were proud of being a teacher; they were seen as heroes. Recently, teachers have been ignored and lost respect from their students, for the students start acting out and blaming the teacher. Every teacher works hard so that their students can pass and move to the next grade, and to get into a good college. One thing that hasn't changed is a teachers salary, teachers aren't getting paid enough for the work they have put in every class and every students. Teachers are slowly being disregarded from being an option for careers. Many bring down students who want to become a teacher by telling them teachers receive low pay and that the career won't get you enough recognition in the world. Teachers might not be payed like they should be, but they can get recognition by their students. They should receive as much recognition and respect as a doctor. Teachers help and guide their students so that they can change the future and make society better that it is now.

Check this video out!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Water is Wide Reflection

Recently in my Principles of Education and Training we have viewed the video, The Water is Wide, to differentiate education in the 1960's to today. You will find my response to the blog prompt below.

1. Education discipline has change sine the 1960's by banning paddling and violence to students and changing it to detentions, suspensions, and Saturday school. Also, schools have more race diversity within the education board and staff.

4.  a) Mr. Conroy used the projector to show his class people from history to let them have an idea of how they looked like.
     b) he took the students to a "field trip" around the island while learning about history
     c) he brought technology to them like the record player, the projector , and the speaker to build their education and creativity they couldn't express.

5. Mr.Conroy got the community to support the school by actually letting the students to be creative and be themselves. When he told Barbara that Saul wouldn't get bullied anymore, she looked surprised because Mrs. Brown had never came up to her and talked about her students to the parents. Another way he got the community to support was by bringing the idea of field trip to Washington D.C. to let the parents know that he is giving the students fun and education.

8. From what I have seen,  I can say that a teacher should put attention to the students needs and get them motivated so that they like learning. Also, to not kill their creativity because if we teach them like if they were robots then they wouldn't learn and become scared of doing something like speaking their mind.

Monday, October 10, 2016

My Leadership in Action

Leadership Observed

A teacher and a leader share similar characteristics like demonstrating strong communication skills, optimism, and taking control of situations. 

Demonstrating strong communication skills is an important characteristic for teachers because they will interact with different kinds of students that have their own way of learning. An example will be having different activities for those who learn best visually (like a written assignment), verbally, or non-verbally. 

The ability to show optimism can also be motivational. When teachers show their optimism to the students, the students will be affected too and gain optimism too. If the class average is low, then the teacher will show optimism by telling their students that they did better in a certain category, or that they grew in numbers from the last test. When the teachers show the positive of the negative the students try harder and get motivated to get higher grades. This is why having optimism in a teacher is the same as in a leader, they both motivate their "teams" to improve. 

Finally, taking control of a situation is a characteristic that helps the teacher gain respect and admiration from the students and other teachers. On the other hand, if the teacher is blind to the problem or situation then that teacher gains no respect and is seen as inefficient to teach a class. Stepping up to solving the problem gains respect to that teacher and shows their leadership. Also their capability to lead others in the right direction.

Image result for leadership

My Leadership in Action

I have joined the BHS Dance Department for my second time and I have taken the spot of a leader but this year especially. Participating in this class brings out confidence and helps me step up from being a follower to a leader. Helping and leading my group to making our dance look "on point" brings out the leadership in me. I plan on trying out for a dance team this year and with showing that I'm capable of being leader then I have a slighter chance in joining. 

I am the second child in my family and my older sister, who is a senior, is thinking of college and is leaving the house next school year.  Since I am the second oldest then I will need to step up and become the role model and leader for my younger siblings. That is why this year I will start showing my parents and the rest of my family that I will be a great leader when my sister leaves.

Image result for leadership quotes tumblr

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Top 20 Characteristics/Dispositions Teachers Need

Positivity- Ex: My algebra teacher had spilled her protein shake last Friday all over herself and her   desk. She didn't get mad;she just laughed and kept smiling

Flexibility- Someone who can manage their time and activities well. Ex: Having flexibility with         tutorials and different students

Patience- A teacher who takes time and can work with a struggling student and not get frustrated by them. For example, my algebra teacher from last year had an students that wouldnt do their work because they didn't understand, so she will stay until the student will get the unit right.

Good listener

Passionate- Ex: Helping students that don't try hard enough because he/she wants to see them be         successful


Interactive- Influencing another person or having an effect on another person. Ex: Encouraging         student participation

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Plans

Big Plans

My name is Rocio Aviles and I will graduate in 2019. Ever since i was a little girl I had dreamed of being a teacher. My decision hasn't changed but i have had my doubts. After i graduate i would carry on into college, Texas A& M, but I'm still looking into them. However, i will need to take small steps to make it. I have thought of being a teacher assistant at middle school or high school. What really interested me in this career was back in 3rd grade. I had a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Aguirre, and she was a very happy and helpful teacher. She inspired me and got me into teaching. Also, my Algebra teacher from last year, Ms. Keany has given me motivation as well. Ms. Keany has show me the good and bad times of being a teacher yet, she still doesn't give up and cares for those who don't try as hard.