Monday, January 23, 2017

It's All About Me- How I Best Learn!

I have taken the test to find my learning style and it seems that I am more of a auditory learner and visual learner than a tactile learner.
An auditory learner is someone who learn best from hearing information.
In English class, I prefer hearing and speaking about the book than having to do a quiz or worksheet on it. Talking about the book helps me understand the different options other students have that could help me interpret the book.
A visual learner learns best when information is presented in front of them like writing, pictures, or diagrams.
In math, I like having a visual in front of me, like a drawing or a video to have a better understanding. Having an example on sight helps me understand how to do the work or project. In World History, I prefer having my notes color coded/ highlighted to remember the important information.
(I am answering the prompt on Mrs. Kallas' Blog. )

Want to find out your Learning Styles, then click this link to take a quiz ->

My Multiple Intelligences are naturalistic and intrapersonal.
Being a naturalist means understanding the patterns of living and applying scientific reasoning to the world. A naturalistic strategy I use is observing an recording the data.
Intrapersonal means the person is looking inward and figuring out their own feelings and goals. Whenever I'm in English class or World History, I like to take the topic and relate it to my life.

Image result for multiple intelligences

In class I discovered that I am a analytical learner, which means we prefer knowing the details and like to take a more logical approach.
Analytical characteristics are:
  • benefit from details, clear instructions
  • create organizing methods
  • prefer to work in a quite environment
  • defend their arguments with logic and common sense
  • want specific, constructive feedback
Some sayings an analytical learner would say are:
  • "What do you want the paper to be about?"
  • "Don't touch ANYTHING!" 

My true color is blue. Blues like harmony rather than chaos.
Some characteristics of a blue are:

  • compassionate
  • spiritual
  • imaginative
  • react to great sensitivity to rejection
  • respond to encouragement than competition
  • resilient
  • make decisions based on their feelings
  • prefer to share emotions
  • devoted to what they sett their mind to
  • easy going
My description of a bad is whenever I feel rejection or failure. On a "bad day" I feel depressed and isolate myself from my close friends. I also tend to lie to others about my true feelings and at times, if it really bad, I cry. I also start day-dreaming of how I could have prevented this type of day.

To learn more about the True Colors, watch this video.

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